Sliding Windows

Our monorail sliding windows are the way to go if you prefer sliding windows to our more popular Tilt and Turn Window and space is at a premium. Our sliding windows still have a contemporary look and are a great space saving window. They are made with heaving duty rollers for ease of operation, and a multi point locking system for security when the windows are closed. Add to that a fitted insect screen, and you are ready for those breezy summer days!

For heritage double hung window replacements, you need not worry, we can include transoms and mullions or Georgian bars to visually reproduce the look of the old windows, but with new uPVC Double Glazed thermally efficient, low maintenance windows.

For bedroom windows at height a limiter system will be fitted restricting the opening.

See our sliding window in action. The window in this video also has a pleated retractable insect screen fitted and what a functional window it is – perfect for a servery!

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